^ Files of XML Meta-Program
A-folder-in-the-project-tree |--- go.dal root-file: an empty file named as 'php.dal', 'java.dal', 'cpp.dal', 'python.dal', or 'go.dal' (ensure lower case) |--- sdm.xml declarations of DTO/model and/or DAO classes |--- settings.xml common settings |--- sdm.xsd ------ XSD-files for XML code completion and parsing |--- settings.xsd ------ |--- dao.xsd ------ |--- ProjectsDao.xml external XML files as an option to declare DAO classes
Initial Steps
- Create/Open an SDM folder (any name)
- Create/Open (double-click) a root-file to enter the Plug-in GUI, switch to "Admin"
- Create XSD files, "sdm.xml", and "settings.xml".
- Click "settings.xml" to start editing. Read and follow the notes in XML comments. Save the changes.
- The buttons marked as [x] may be good starting points.
Real examples of "settings.xml" are available in Demo Projects.
This is a typical one (Android): https://github.com/panedrone/sdm_thesaurus_android/blob/master/sdm/settings.xml
See also a Quick Demo Video.
^ settings.xml -> examples of JDBC settings
JDBC Driver | XML tag in 'settings.xml' |
MySQL | <jdbc jar="lib/mysql-connector-java-8.0.13.jar" class="com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/sakila" user="root" pwd="root"/> |
Oracle | <jdbc jar="lib/ojdbc8.jar" class="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl" user="ORDERS" pwd="sa"/> |
PostgreSQL | <jdbc jar="postgresql-42.2.9.jar" class="org.postgresql.Driver" url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/orders" user="postgres" pwd="sa"/> |
SQL Server | <jdbc jar="mssql-jdbc-8.2.2.jre11.jar" class="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver" url="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\SQLEXPRESS;databaseName=AdventureWorks2014" user="sa" pwd="root"/> |
xerial / sqlite-jdbc | <jdbc jar="sqlite-jdbc-" class="org.sqlite.JDBC" url="jdbc:sqlite:$PROJECT_DIR$/northwindEF.sqlite" user="" pwd=""/> |
H2 | <jdbc jar="h2-1.4.190.jar" class="org.h2.Driver" url="jdbc:h2:$PROJECT_DIR$/h2_orders" user="" pwd="" /> |
^ settings.xml -> type-map
Here you specify how the types detected by code generator are rendered in the target code.
<type-map default=""> <type detected="java.lang.Integer" target="int64"> <type detected="java.lang.Double" target="float64"> <type detected="java.lang.Float" target="float64"> <type detected="java.lang.String" target="string"> <type detected="byte[]" target="[]byte"/> <type detected="java.lang.Object" target="interface{}"/> </type-map>
Algorithm of processing is the following:
- if detected type is found among 'detected', then related 'target' is rendered
- if not, then 'default' is rendered
- if 'default' is empty, detected type is rendered as-is.
If you want to create "type-map" from zero, read this: misc.html#type-map.
if you need more strong typing in generated DAO classes, read this: misc.html#strong-typing.
There may be some nuances depending on database/driver.
Example 1. MySQL JDBC driver detects all field types correctly. At the same time, MySQL divers for Go fetch all values as []uint8:
Example 2. Oracle JDBC driver detects all numerics as "java.math.BigDecimal". At the same time, Go + "github.com/godror/godror" fetches all numerics as strings:
Example 3. For Java + Android + SQLite, you may need this:
<type-map default=""> <!-- On Dev. PC, it is Integer, but in Android run-time it is Long --> <type detected="java.lang.Integer" target="java.lang.Long"/> </type-map>
Example 4. JDBC driver for SQLite3 detects date/time as "java.lang.String" or "java.lang.Object",
but it happens that Go + "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3" fetches date/time as "time:time.Time".
In such cases, 'type-map' may be not working, and you need explicit declarations:
<dto-class name="Orders" ref="get_orders.sql"> <field type="time:time.Time" column="o_date"/> </dto-class>
^ settings.xml -> macros
To generate complex fields like in example below
class Task(Base): __tablename__ = 'tasks' t_id = Column('t_id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) g_id = Column('g_id', Integer, ForeignKey('groups.g_id')) t_priority = Column('t_priority', Integer) t_date = Column('t_date', String(65535)) t_subject = Column('t_subject', String(65535)) t_comments = Column('t_comments', String(65535))
you will need to extend the section "settings.xml" => <macros> and use related references in "settings.xml" => <type-map><type ... target="...:
<type-map default=""> <type detected="sa-java.lang.Integer" target="${sa-type}|0:Integer"/> <type detected="sa-java.lang.Float" target="${sa-type}|0:Float"/> <type detected="sa-java.lang.String" target="${sa-type}|0:String"/> <type detected="sa-byte[]" target="${sa-type}|0:LargeBinary"/> <type detected="sa-java.lang.Object" target="${sa-type-unknown}"/> type-map>
<macros> <macro name="${sa-type-unknown}" value="${sa-column-base}|type:"/> <macro name="${sa-type}" value="${sa-column-base}|type:, ${0}"/> <macro name="${sa-column-base}"/> <vm/> <![CDATA[= Column('${column}'${type}#if($fi.ColumnSize>0)($fi.ColumnSize)#end#if($fi.FK), ForeignKey('$fi.FK')#end #if($fi.PK), primary_key=True#end #if($fi.AI), autoincrement=True#end #if(!$fi.PK) #if($fi.Indexed), index=True#end #if($fi.Unique), unique=True#end #if($fi.Nullable), nullable=True#end #end)${comment}]]/> </vm/> </macro/> macros>
Examples of the field-related macros are available in plug-in GUI => tab "Admin" => [X] and in Demo-Projects: https://github.com/panedrone/sqldalmaker
To customize class-based macros, use this:
refs to entries of section <macros>:
<dto scope="" inheritance="" field-names-mode="0" macro="${dto}"/> <dao scope="" field-assign-mode="0" macro="${dao}"/>
refs to external files:
<dto scope="" inheritance="" field-names-mode="0" macro="sdm/python.models.vm"/> <dao scope="" field-assign-mode="0" macro="sdm/python.dao.vm"/>
^ Areas of Responsibility
- Use a proxy to wrap low-level logic of DB API (PDO, JDBC, QtSql, Python DB-API, Gorm, etc.).
- Publish meaningful functions of proxy with a simple interface "DataStore".
- Share a single instance of proxy between all the instances of DAO classes (not an inheritance).
- No low-level DB API in generated code, only "DataStore".
Below is an example demonstrating how to organize it in Golang:
Interface DataStore |
type DataStore interface { Db() *sqlx.DB Open() error Close() error Begin(ctx context.Context) (txCtx context.Context, err error) Commit(txCtx *context.Context) error Rollback(txCtx *context.Context) error // the methods called by generated code: Insert(ctx context.Context, sqlString string, aiNames string, args ...interface{}) (id interface{}, err error) Exec(ctx context.Context, sqlString string, args ...interface{}) (rowsAffected int64, err error) Query(ctx context.Context, sqlString string, destPtr interface{}, args ...interface{}) error QueryAll(ctx context.Context, sqlString string, destSlicePtr interface{}, args ...interface{}) error QueryRow(ctx context.Context, sqlString string, args ...interface{}) (row map[string]interface{}, err error) QueryAllRows(ctx context.Context, sqlString string, onRow func(map[string]interface{}), args ...interface{}) error Select(ctx context.Context, sqlString string, dest interface{}, args ...interface{}) error } |
An implementation (proxy) | https://github.com/panedrone/sdm_todolist_go_react_vue_npm_sqlite3/blob/master/sqlx/dbal/data_store_sqlx.go |
Usage in a generated DAO class | https://github.com/panedrone/sdm_todolist_go_react_vue_npm_sqlite3/blob/master/sqlx/dbal/projects_dao.go |
For more examples, refer Demo-Projects and the plugin GUI, tab 'Admin'.
Lower level DB accessing API | Comments | |
PHP | MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQLite3 | |
Java |
Available through JDBC: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQLite3, H2, HSQLDB, Derby, IBM DB2, IBM Informix, Firebird, etc. |
C++ | Databases supported by Qt: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/sql-driver.html | |
Python | - | |
Go | Tested with MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and SQLite3. |